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Beschreibungstext eng

Rose III. Vol. IV. No. 30., DIFFERENT KINDS OF ROSES., Fig. 1. The Little Centifolia. (Rosa centifolia minor.), The Unie Centijolia is one of the most pretty and elegant fnecies of Roses. Portugal is faid to be its native country. Mr. Blandford at leaft brought it first from there to England, where it is still called : Blandford-Rose. It bas quite the round form and délicate colour of the large Centifolia, but instead of growing so isolated and fingly, it commonly forms a bunch of J or Q (Towers on one staîk. Its wood is green and bas only a few prichles. On account of its great fullness it beats very fei dorn fruit. The bush is 7 or ß feet bigh., Fig. 2. The French Rose. (Rosa turbinata.), This species is not only ufefuî, but also a great ornament of an elegant gard'en; for, planted with intelligence and eukivated with care o it bas the particular advantage to grow to the heigbt of iQ feet againfi: espaliers or pales, and coniequently furnishes the beft means to decorate walls and arbours. It bas différent names, and is called: sometfmes the Suggar-Rose, Vinegar RoseT the French Rose etc. The flowers which appear in Juin and July, are large, open, and of a bigh colour, but their fmell is not so agreeable as tîiat of the large Centifolia. It flourislies abundantly and has plentiful leaves of a pleafant green, with very few prickles. Its flower cups are somewhat fimilar to tunnels and generally divided in two parts, the upper of which is fmoothr the louer füll of minute prickles. It very fekîom bears any fruit t for the buds soon waste away and peaish.