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 Teutsche Flussfische

Beschreibungstext eng

Fish. XXXV. Vol. IV. No. 73., GERMAN RIVER FISH., Fig. 1. The River-trout. (Salmo Schiffermülleri.), The silver trout is ore of the most remarkable German river-fish. It inhabits not only the large rivers and lakes of Germany and Switzerland, but also occurs in the Baltic, and is consequently not only a river but also a fea-fish. It grows to a large size meafuring three feet in length and vveighing from fix to ten pouhds. Belonging to the class of trouts its flesh is very tender and well tasted. It is a fish of prey and lives upon frogs and small fish., Fig. 2. The blue trout. (Salmo Wartmanni.), The blue trout is found in the lakes of South-Germany especially in that of Confiance where it affords great profit to the fishermen. Its nanie is derived from its colour which becomes of a green-blue caft wheiï the fish attains the seventh year of âge. Belonging to the Class of trouts its flesh is of an excellent tafie. It measures about a foot and a Hals. From May to October an enormous quantity is caught in the lake of Confiance, where it is either eaten frefh or marinated in barrels iike the lampreys and exported into other countxies., Fig. 3. The Umble. (Salmo umbla.), The Umble is allô of the Trout-Kind. It never surpasses the length of [J foot and is reckoned an excellent eating. It principally abounds in the lake of Geneva; The immenfe quantities caught in this lake are for the greatest part exported to France. Its flesh becomes of a reddish colour, whenboiled, like that of the Salmon-trout to which it is nearly allied., Fig. 4. The great Maraena. (Salmo Maraena.), The great Maraena which attains a length of 3 or 4 feet muft also be ranged in the class of the trouts. It is not only common to the lakes of the Northern parts of Germany especially of Pomerania, but also to those of Switzerland and Italy. It only feeds on worms and insects and generally lives at the bottom of the water. The flesh is reckoned extremely good., Fig. 5. The little Maraena. (Salmo Maraenula.), The length of this little delicious fish is only about fix or seven inches, its weight never exceeding two or three ounces. It is met with in différent lakes of Germany especially inPruffia, Poland and Silesia where it is very common, fn Winter it is frequentljr caught under the ice.