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Beschreibungstext eng

Amphibies. XX. Vol. IV. No. 99., SLOW-WORMS., X he Slow-Worm is on account of the fmàll eyes which in iome of the animals are hardly perceived, also called Blind-Worm. They constitute a proper genus among the fnakes, which is called the Jcale-jnakes being deftitute f the scuta or scaly plates and having the ivhole body covered with small scales. The Slow-worm moves backwards as well as forwards which gave rife to the fable of their having two heads., Fig. 1. The common Slow-worm. (Anguis fragilis.), The common Slow-worm arrives at the length af 2 or 3 feet and is found in almost all parts of the ancient world living un der ground. The fkin is covered with scales of a rufous brown caft mixed with a kind of steel colour. The mouth is very large and opens behind the eyes. It is füll of small teeth, which are not able to woundaman's finger and being also deftitute of the venomous fangs, the flow-worm is quite innoxious. It lives on insects, grubs and chafers. When purfued or irritated the animal has a way of stiffening itself, in which state, if struck, a small blow of a stick is fufficient to feparate the body in twoor three-pièces, whence this species is also sometimes called the Glajs-flow-worm. In winter the flow-worm retires under ground where it lies in a state oi torpidity tili the approach of fpring. It is ovo-viviparous and sometimes produces 10 or 12 young at the time which first are hatched in the womb. In the hot fummer-months it cafts its fkin., Fig. 2. The short-bellied Slow-Worm. (Anguis ventralis.), The name of this flow-worm is derived from its disproportionate long tail and the extremely fhort belly. It is a native of Carolina and Virginia and of a green and yellow colour. It is as innoxious as the former., Fig. 3. The flat tailed Slow-Worm. (Anguis platura.), The length of this Slow-worm is from 2 to 4 inches. Its colour is black above and of a clirty green caft beneath, the flat tail terminating in an obtufe way., Fig. 4. The variegated Slow-Worm. (Anguis variegata.), The colour of this Slow-worm which is found in New-HoHand, is brown, variegated with yellow; its length 2 or 3 feet.