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 Das Wettrennen zu Pferde in England

Beschreibungstext eng

Miscellanies XXXIX. Vol. IV. No. 40., HORSE-RACES IN ENGLAND., ercnce e* « mû, O e même. reen 3o lieux dif. es Pîa^« Cesses, Jj mou> quefçoe-tro-, st ia 1« loa toi« ‘e sa foaioeM (Ja renia« * quefçoe-tro-, st ia 1« loa toi« ‘e sa foaioeM (Ja renia« *, Fig. 1 fuch an English Race-Horfe is represented; the sue of his eyes and the large open noltrils prove hisArabiau origin, his slender legs show at the fuit iîght the racer. Thefv horfes are of différent colours, but their discriminating character is swiftneis, fpirit, holdness and ßrength, The molt famous are engraved and their virtues celebrated in puhlick papers. Their pedigrees are as regularly kept as those of the horfes in Arahia. They feil very often at an enormous price and there are instances of iooo pound Sterling. (more than 6000 Dollars.), and more being paid for a racer. Their extreme swiftness is fuppofed to equal the wind. The famons Childers (ufually called ßying Childers), which died about 40 Years ago, leaped in one second 82 ^ feet, and ran the xace-ground of Newmarket, famons for the great races which are held there in Apiil and October, in 6 minutes 40 féconds, though the ground measures ^ of a German mile or 4 English miles., Fig. 2. The Horse-Race., Horfe-Races are held in fummer in 30 différent places of the kingdom where the foft and fandy race-grounds are carefully kept in order. On the spot where the horfes fet out, is the Stewards box which is occupied by thtfe officers du» ring the wîiole race Hère the horfes are re^iltered and the betts which are iometimes very high, regularly laid down. The grounds are circuler or oval and the racers return to the spot where they fet out. The horfe which paffes the fàrst the ßarting polt, gains the si rit heat, or courfe, whereupon the faddles are taken off and the horfes cleaned, -an hour after they fet out for the fécond heat; if the horfe which gained the fi'ft heat, arrives again before the others at the starting poff, he wins, and the race is finished; if not, a third heat or run enfues. The riders are called Jockeys and are generally of a very light weight. Those that ride together, are weighed with the faddles and bridles of their horfes, which they buckle round their waift, and those which are too light, put so much of small shot in their pockets, tili their weight equals that of the others. The races last generally two or three days, and very often 40 or 50000 fpectators ineet on these occafions.