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Eine Liste aller Seiten, die das Attribut „Beschreibungstext“ mit dem Wert „It is known, that by the tropic rains the Nile, that great river of Egypt fo extraordinarily rifes in Autumm, that leaving its fhores, for fome time overflows the whole Nile-vale. This is a true benefit to this fandy country ; becaufe , «hilft the Nile fucceffively recedes into its fhores, it leaves behind upon the whole overflow'd furface a fat muddy earth, that is fufficient to fertilize the Nile-valley. That in the yearly inundation the water every-where may penetrate, the Egyptians have conducted canals through the land. In order to perceive exactly after the inundation the height of water at every time, fcales or Nile-meajurers have been raifed in feveral places. The principal of them is that, we give here a draught of, erected on the island of Raudah near Kahirah. Here one finds in a round turret a ciftern, the bottom of which has the fame height with that of the Nile. On the Gde is an opening, through which the Nile water freely may flow in. An octagonal column of marble is in the middle erected, on which the meafure is mark'd, to what height, according to the obfervations, the water after an inundation fucceffively rife9. A peculiar overfeer daily obTerves from the 1. of July, the rifing of the river, which by publie cryer* is notified to the town.“ haben. Weil nur wenige Ergebnisse gefunden wurden, werden auch ähnliche Werte aufgelistet.

Hier sind 6 Ergebnisse, beginnend mit Nummer 1.

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Liste der Ergebnisse

    • Ad00341 05 037a/eng  + (It is known, that by the tropic rains the It is known, that by the tropic rains the Nile, that great river of Egypt fo extraordinarily rifes in Autumm, that leaving its fhores, for fome time overflows the whole Nile-vale. This is a true benefit to this fandy country ; becaufe , «hilft the Nile fucceffively recedes into its fhores, it leaves behind upon the whole overflow'd furface a fat muddy earth, that is fufficient to fertilize the Nile-valley. That in the yearly inundation the water every-where may penetrate, the Egyptians have conducted canals through the land. In order to perceive exactly after the inundation the height of water at every time, fcales or Nile-meajurers have been raifed in feveral places. The principal of them is that, we give here a draught of, erected on the island of Raudah near Kahirah. Here one finds in a round turret a ciftern, the bottom of which has the fame height with that of the Nile. On the Gde is an opening, through which the Nile water freely may flow in. An octagonal column of marble is in the middle erected, on which the meafure is mark'd, to what height, according to the obfervations, the water after an inundation fucceffively rife9. A peculiar overfeer daily obTerves from the 1. of July, the rifing of the river, which by publie cryer* is notified to the town. by publie cryer* is notified to the town.)
    • Ad99998 06 037a/eng  + (It is known, that by the tropic rains the It is known, that by the tropic rains the Nile, that great river of Egypt fo extraordinarily rifes in Autumm, that leaving its fhores, for fome time overflows the whole Nile-vale. This is a true benefit to this fandy country ; becaufe , «hilft the Nile fucceffively recedes into its fhores, it leaves behind upon the whole overflow'd furface a fat muddy earth, that is fufficient to fertilize the Nile-valley. That in the yearly inundation the water every-where may penetrate, the Egyptians have conducted canals through the land. In order to perceive exactly after the inundation the height of water at every time, fcales or Nile-meajurers have been raifed in feveral places. The principal of them is that, we give here a draught of, erected on the island of Raudah near Kahirah. Here one finds in a round turret a ciftern, the bottom of which has the fame height with that of the Nile. On the Gde is an opening, through which the Nile water freely may flow in. An octagonal column of marble is in the middle erected, on which the meafure is mark'd, to what height, according to the obfervations, the water after an inundation fucceffively rife9. A peculiar overfeer daily obTerves from the 1. of July, the rifing of the river, which by publie cryer* is notified to the town. by publie cryer* is notified to the town.)
    • Ad99999 06 037a/eng  + (It is known, that by the tropic rains the It is known, that by the tropic rains the Nile, that great river of Egypt fo extraordinarily rifes in Autumm, that leaving its fhores, for fome time overflows the whole Nile-vale. This is a true benefit to this fandy country ; becaufe , «hilft the Nile fucceffively recedes into its fhores, it leaves behind upon the whole overflow'd furface a fat muddy earth, that is fufficient to fertilize the Nile-valley. That in the yearly inundation the water every-where may penetrate, the Egyptians have conducted canals through the land. In order to perceive exactly after the inundation the height of water at every time, fcales or Nile-meajurers have been raifed in feveral places. The principal of them is that, we give here a draught of, erected on the island of Raudah near Kahirah. Here one finds in a round turret a ciftern, the bottom of which has the fame height with that of the Nile. On the Gde is an opening, through which the Nile water freely may flow in. An octagonal column of marble is in the middle erected, on which the meafure is mark'd, to what height, according to the obfervations, the water after an inundation fucceffively rife9. A peculiar overfeer daily obTerves from the 1. of July, the rifing of the river, which by publie cryer* is notified to the town. by publie cryer* is notified to the town.)