Merkwürdige Gletscher als Ursprung grosser Flüsse
Beschreibungstext eng
Miscell. Subj. LXIX. Vol. VI. No. 3., REMARKABLE ICE-HILLS, AS THE SOURCE OF GREAT RIVERS., 1 he Ice-hills (t'all'd Gletfcher) in Switzer- takes its rife out of the three principal branlancl are prodigious maffes of ice on the dies, the fore - middle- and hind -Rhine), ruAlps, being inexhauftible refervoirs for fup- fhes forthas a brook of the ice-hill, with which plying the flowing waters, which from them the 13 lel'fer brooks unite themTelves, turntake their origin. Two of them, reprefen- Min g down from the Shell-horn (Mitjchelhorn) ted here, deferve, a particular noticefor giv- a rock of two hours length, ing the exiftence to two of the largeft rivers of Europe., Fig. 1. The Rhinewaldgletscher or the first spring of the Rhine., Fig. 2. The Ice-hill of the Rhone., hick origin derives the Rhone, that rifes out or the firft ferine of the Rhine. of the ice - hin of the Rhone or the Furca' 1 ° one of the moli beautiful ice - hills in the - In the "back - ground of the Rhincwald- whole chain of Alps. It lies on the fide of thai, furrounded on all fides with lofty the Furca, a lofty mountain, that is the mountains, in the helvetick Canton of Gn- South-"VYeft horn of the St. Gotthard, at the Jons lies the great PJiineuuddgletJchcr, a confines of Wallis, Bern and Uri, and of prodigious mafs of ice in a gloomy, folitary the full higher Galenfiok till down in the place. From an ice-vault, which fometi- valley of G cran, and is the iffue of an icemes is very great and brilliant (we fee it here valley of 6 hours length. Three fmall brooks copied from nature) the hindmoft Rhine (for iffue out of this ice- hill, and form the the whole Rhine, the nobleft river in Europe, fprings of the Rhone.