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 Die Cometen

Beschreibungstext eng

Misc. Subj. LXXXII. Vol. VI. No. 20., THE COMETS., J he comets belong to the extraordinary in g out. If this filine goes before the head, phenomena in the ftarred fky. On that ac- it is call'd the beard, but if it follow* it, we count fuperftitious people formerly look'd on call it the tail; of the laft kind we fee in the them as ominous Fig. ns, and foolißily ima- Fig.. 2 ami 3 two comets represented. That gin'd their appearance to forebode war, di- of Fig., 3. was accurately obfcrv'd by the Afu-ofeafes and other ills. The comets receive nomer Hevelius at Danzig in the year 1661 their light from the fun, but they don't move in the month of February and March. On themfelves in regular orbites around it, like the 3th of February (A) appear'd the kernel the planets, butin an Ellipfis, whereby they of a yellowifh light, but inwardly fome what now and then approach very near to the fun, reddifh. The long tail was at the kernel and then withdraw themfelves very far, as fmall and thick, and grew by degrees larger we find in the Fig.. 1. evidenced by a piece and thinner. On the 6lh of February (B) of an orbite of comet. Thefe celeftial bodies Hevelius took notice of feveral fpotj in the confift of a round luminous head or kernel, kernel; the tail now appear'd foaller, more from which a bright transnavo«. rv,- n 1 ■, . s transparent Chine 1« flow- faint and more pointed.