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 Das Pferd mit seinen verschiedenen Rassen

Beschreibungstext eng

Misc. Subj. LXXXVI. Vol. VI. No. 26., THE HORSE WITH IT'S DIFFERENT RACES., Fig. 1. The Hungarian horse., TheTe horfe« are of the middling kind, they have fomewhat heavy heads and narrow uoftrils, a long body, but good thighs. They are vigorous durable riding horfes, that with fcanty food endure great fatigues., Fig. 2. The Polnish horse., For the most part they are bred in the Ruffian and Auftrian part of the former Kingdom of Poland. In general they are rather little, than tall; their head is pretty well-form'd. They have moftly the neck of a ftag, but a ftrong ftraight back, vigorous fhort loins, a fine fomewhat pointed croup, with a wellfet tail, which they wear in a bow; their legs are nice, with little hair, but vigorous. They are extremely ufeful, when by a good and convenient treatment they have loft their fhinefs and timorousnefs.