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 Die Beetschuanaer

Beschreibungstext eng

Miscell. Subj. CV. Vol. VI. No. 56., THE BEETSHUANS., he South - African nation of the Caffers, half savages, who not seldom are engaged in calFd the Beetshuans, (also Bushwens) bloody quarrels with their neighbours, whose habitations and manner of living we The young woman, here sitting, with became already acquainted with (by the whom the young man holds a conversation, number CX. of this vol.) are on the present has decently cover'd her belly with aprons table represented still more characteristical- of leather, forming a sort of little pettily according to the colour of their body and coat. Several women wear too short cloaks, their Fig. ure. We perceive upon it a young The woman here pictured smokes tobacco, man and a young woman. The man has the smoke of which she at her ease sips out adorn'd his head with feathers, wears trian- of a hollow pot filPd with water, in which guhtr pendants, and his nakednefs is cover'd a wooden tobacco-pipe-tube is with the head with a long cloak of skins of beasts, and above join'd. Near her lies her felling-ax, with a liule apron; on his arm hangs a the felling of wood being here a principal sort of liule basket or rather little bag, and occupation of women. Besides do we perin his hands he holds Hâssagajens or jave- ceive some kitchen-furniture, standing upon lins, the usual weapons of these warlike the earth.