Schöne ausländische Sträuche : Der pontische Alpbalsam
Beschreibungstext eng
Plants CXVI. Vol. VI. No. 86., FAIR EXOTIC SHRUBS., The dwarf rosebay. (Rhododendron ponticum.), This beautiful shrub is met with in the Orient as well as in several parts of SouthSpain, particularly in the environs of Gibraltar, and in the orange-houses of Germany. Cultivated with due care it forms a shrub like a tree of 5 a 6 feet of height. The oblong and pointed leaves are ever green; they have a shining surface; on the inferior part they arc. lighter green, traversed by strong veins and crooked towards the extremitv. They cleave together in great numbers towards the top of the branches. The stalk is extremely short. In the months of June and July on the points of the branches there appear red blossoms of five leaves, that stick together like clusters, which recommend this shrub as an embellishment of gardens. At first sight it resembles the Oleander, but on beholding it more attentively we easily find out the difference. The dwarf rosebay comprehends eleven kinds, which chiefly are found on high mountains, or Alps, whence their name derives. In the native country of this shrub some kinds are employed in medicine on account of their astringent virtue.