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 Merkwürdige Versteinerungen : Versteinerte Medusenpalme oder Pentacrinit

Beschreibungstext eng

Misc. Subj. CXXXI. Vol. VI. No. 93., REMARKABLE PETRIFICATIONS., The petrified Sea-Palm or Pentacrinit. (Pentacrinites Helmintholithus portentosus. L.), of antiquity, tacriliit. belonging systematically to the same genus called Encrinus. The animals of this order keep the midst between the coralloid animais and the Sea-stars, living always under _/ entacrlnits are petrified forms of animals the profoundest gulfs of the sea, partly in the belonging to the class of the Zoophytes or torrid zone, partly in colder regions, where Plant-animals, consisting of a manybranched by way of their flexible stalks they adhere and tufty substance that sticks to a membe- close to the ground. In many countries of red and branchless stalk of several feet in Europe the petrified sea - palms are to be length. For the present we know but two found enclosed and vanished by growing in or three species of Zoophytes which are near- the lime-stones.