Beschreibungstext eng
Plants CXVII. Vol. VI. No. 95., MEDICAMÉNTAL PLANTS., Fig. 1. The common Elecampane. (Inula Helenium. L.), ±he common or genuine Elecampane is an useful plant, which grows wild in several parts of Europe and in some regions of Germany, being cultivated on fields for its utility as also in gardens for ornament. The long and thick roots, that have a strong and bitter taste, are partly dried, partly employed in medicine in several dissolutions. They likewise form thereof a salutary wine and beer of the same name. The root, mixed with pot-ashes and bill-berries, produces a blue colour. From the root ismes a stalk, of 3 in 4 feet in height, furnished with large and dented leaves, at the top of which, in the months of July and August, appear the yellow and scentless flowers formed like a star., Fig. 2. The common Soapwort. (Saponaria officinalis. L.), This salutary plant, 2 in 3 feet high, that grows uncultivated in Germany along the roads and in hedges, bears white blossoms inclining to red, during the summermonths. The leaves as well as the root have soapy and solutive principles that offer an approved remedy agiinst many diseases. For ornament it has been transplanted in te gardens, where by way of culture a variation of it has been produced with clusters of double flowers.