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 Die Hetrurischen Katakomben der alten Stadt Tarquinia

Beschreibungstext eng

Misc. Subjects. CXXXVIII. Vol. VII. No. 5., ETRUSCAN CATACOMBS OF THE ANCIENT CITY OF TARQUINIA., In the présent Grand- dutchy of Toscany, near.the town of Corneto, where anciently was situated Tarquinia, one of the twelve capital-cities of Etruria, are to be found many catacombs, or subterranean sepulchralchambers. Tliey are carved in whitish limestones, being remarkable for their structure as well as for their variegated Ornaments. The descent to them is through square apertures. In one of thèse Etruscan catacombs (Fig. . 1.) the cieling is formed o£ four contiguous Squares, carved out of the rock with Recesses. The remains of the dead repo*ed either in nrns, or probably also on the banks round about the side- walls. The walls and friezes of thèse sepulchral - Chambers are covered with party-coloured symbolical pictures, alluding to the State of the soûls after deatb, according to the ideas of the Etrurians. On the frieze we therefore behold men devoured by wild beasts; * allusion to the punishments attending the cri.minai. . Other compartments of thèse catacombs (Fig. . 2.) rest on pillars carved out of the rock itself^ as well as the architectural recesses of the [cieling whence they gîve perpetuity to the whole. On the side- walls we likewise observe painted friezes of many Fig. ures, which offer abundant matter of discussion to the antiquary. Y>