Leichte Russische irreguläre Reiterei
Beschreibungstext eng
Miscell. Subj. CXXXIX. Tom. VII. No. 9., RUSSIAN IRREGULAR LIGHT HORSE., The annexed table exbibits several Christian .people, living under the russian donation and forming a light horse for the miy service«., Fig. 1 and 2. Donick Cosacks., Fig. 2. An officer of the donick Cosackst who are a brauch of the russian nation and à rude, martial, pastoral people, inhabiting thé shores of the river Don, whence their name dérives., Fig. 2. A common donick Cosack., Fig. 3. A Kalmuck., We behold hère copied a Kalmuck, (as his physiognomy at first sight shews) who, having passed to the Cosacks, at least see" mingly professes the Christian religion., Fig. 4. An uralick Cosack., The uralicke Cosacks dwell on the inferior river Ural, wheré they hâve a considérable fishery and breed of cattle. For the rest they pretty resemble their other countrymen., Fig. 5. A Cosack of the black Sea., The saporogick Cosacks, who formerl'y inhabited the shores of the Dnieper, from whence they vvere transferred to the Kuban, on the black sea, since the year 1775, not only serve as light horsemen, but also by Sea., Fig. 6. An Albanian., This Albanian or Arhaut belongs to the greek battalion established in the Crimea by the Russians. In war they serve both on horseback and on foot, by land and by sea.