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Beschreibungstext eng

Roses. IV. Vol. IV. No. 45., DIFFERENT KINDS OF ROSES., Fig. 1. et 2. The half double purple Rose. (Rosa holoserica purpurea flore semipleno.), ,. » V e have mentioned this beautiful species of Roses in the descriptioii of the double purple Rose in N. 20. of this Volume. Bein g of the famé kind, it has the famé leaves and wood, but its bufh îs st ronger and faller, and its flowers are more brillant than those of the double purple Rose; befides it has the following peculiar quality which no other kind of Rose is poffeffed of. In the evening the flowér fhuts itself Hals, and the gre. en leaves fhrink together, opening and displaying its füll luftre'with erected leaves at noon when the fun fhines; consequently it falls towards evening in th'ë flumber of vegetables which \ve perceive in various other plants. In the annexed picture it is represented in both its st&tes. In Fig. 1. w, e perceive it in -its füll luftae. of the -Noon and in Fig. 2. \ve fee the fîovver-leaves almolî fhut, the g-reen stalk-leaves flackly hanging down, and tke whole flower as if it were, in its flumber.