Merkwürdige Vögel
Beschreibungstext eng
Birds. LVIII. Vol. IV. No. 51., REMARKABLE BIRDS., Fig. 1. The Royal Tody. (Todus regius.), This beautiful bird is an inhabitant of SouthAmerica. It is remarkable for its uncommonly flat bill whence its German name is derived. This bird feecls feemingly upon insects, but its manner of living is little known. It is about 7 inches long., Fig. 2. The Largebilled Tody. (Todus macrorhynchus.), This kind is larger than the former and. measures 8 inches. It is also met with in South-America. Its plumage is of a fhining black and red, and the white feathers which hang over its wings, give it a beautiful appearance. beautiful european birds. It builds its rieft on the higli banks of large rivers and migrâtes in little flocks of 10 or 12 as far as the frontiers of northern Germany. Its flesh is very' well tasted., Fig. 3. The common Bee-eater. (Merops apiaster.), lives in Europe ând occurs even in Germany. It is about 12 inches long and on account of its lively colours one of the most, Fig. 4. The Nubian Bee-eater. (Merops Nubicus.), This kind is still handfomer than the above mentioned but a little less in size. Its native countries are Egypt and Nubia., Fig. 5. The Cayenne Bee-eater. (Merops Cayennensis.), This bird is found in South America especially in Cayenne. Its principal colour is a dirty green, iti>‘ tail and quillfeathers are of a reddish yellow. The Bee-eaters belong on account of their plumage to the class of the finelt birds. Flg. 6. They inhabit the warm régions of ail parts of the world. They live commonly upon bées and. wafps whence they are called Bee-eaters., ‘ tail and quillfeathers are of a reddish yellow. The Bee-eaters belong on account of their plumage to the class of the finelt birds. Flg. 6. They inhabit the warm régions of ail parts of the world. They live commonly upon bées and. wafps whence they are called Bee-eaters., Fig. 6. The Caddaejr or green Bee-eater. (Merops viridis.), This beautiful bird lives in the East-Indies and is the Imalleft of the Beé-eaters. Its throat and belly are green marked with yellow spots, its back and tail are brown. The two middle feathers of the tail are longer than the reft but very narrow.