Beschreibungstext eng
Roses. V. Vol. IV. No. 69., DIFFERENT KINDS OF ROSES., Fig. 1. The Basil-Domason Rose. (Rosa damascena basilica.), J-his beautiful flower belongs to the kind of the Domafon Roses as not only its long and oval feed-bud, but also the whole form of it proves. The bufh which is füll of fhort thorns, commonly attains the height of 3 or 4 feet, and its leaves are very fmooth and dark green. The flower is pretty large and remarkable for its colour white, being Hals red and Hals white, in gênerai is so particularly divided in the middle of the flower, that very osten one Hals appears quite white and the other quite red, though commonly the. white leaves be meddled with red. The flower is a truc ornament of our gardons and its fmell extraordinarily pleafant., Fig. 2. The single yellow Rose. (Rosa lutea simplex.), The bufh of the Single yellow Rose is about 4 or 6 feet high. Its wood is of a light brown ç. olour and füll of thorns. It belongs to the species of the Ëglantine Rose on account of its pleafant fmelling leaves, which are narrow, feathered and indented. Its long and flender stalks have plenty of very'pretty lemon coloured flowers, but their fmell is neither strong nor agreeable. This species is not very délicate and hence the more qualified for an ornamental plant in a garden.