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Beschreibungstext eng

Plants. LXXXIX. Vol. IV. No. 85., DIFFERENT KINDS OF FUCUS., Fucus which is also sometimes called fea-wrack, stands on the loweft degree of the vegetable création. It belongs to the family of flags, and coutains a great quantity of species which differ from one another in size and fhape. There are simple, ramous, and bufhy species; some are but 4 inch-es high, others attain the height of 20 feet. Some are cartilaginous, others coriaceous and tough; others are of a mucilaginous or membranaceous kind. The Fucus are generally met with on the various fea-coasts, but occur also in fresh waters, especially in the mouths of rivers. The coaft-inhabitants dry the Fucus and ufe it as dung. Some species also serve for food to fheep and cattle., Fig. 1. The winged Fucus. (Fucus alatus.), The winged fucus is a very neat plant of a darlc red colour which abounds in the Mediterranean fea as well as in the Baltic, and the German océan. It never exceeds the height of