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 Merkwürdige vierfüssige Thiere

Beschreibungstext eng

Quadrupeds. LXVIII. Vol. IV. No. 96., REMARKABLE QUADRUPEDS., Fig. 1. The Suckling Femal Elephant., n the first Volume of our Picture-Gallery we have been made acnuainted with the natural hiftory of the Eléphant, which is undoubtedly the largest of all terreftrial animals; We now fee in the annexed picture the female Eléphant fuckling its young. Tt was fabulously afierted, that Eléphants, when confined, never multiply their species; but récent obfervations have refuted this falle affertion. John Corfe an Englishman who for Tome years had the direction of the chace of Eléphants at Tiperah in the East-Indies, was eye-witness of différent copulations of Eléphants. The y careffed one another before many fpectators and uttered fomctimes very'loud and piérding cries. The time of their pregnancy is uncertain. The Eléphant produces only one young at the time, which it fuckles by the tvvo teats situated at a small diftance behind the forefeet. The young never fucks by the trunk, as it was generally believed, but by the mouth, laying its trunk backwards. During the rutin g time even the tameft Eléphants are wild and almost untractable, so far as to forget the attachment they generally bear to theirCorneck or leader; and two of these cornecks have of late been dangerously wounded by a male Eléphant in the park of Paris., Fig. 2. The Sukotyro., This particular animal is hitherto very imperfectly known. NiewJcof a dutch traveller was the first vvho introduced and described it. According to his account the Sukotyro is an inhabitant of the isle of Java. Its size is that of a füll grovvn ox; the fnout ‘ is like that of a hog. Between the upright placed eyes and the long pendant ears stand the two horns which resemble very much the tufks of an éléphant. This animal feeds upon herbage and is but feldom taken. Sukotyro is it called by the Chinese.