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 Das Pferd mit seinen verschiedenen Raçen

Beschreibungstext eng

Misc. Subj. LXXXIII. Vol. VI. No. 21., THE HORSE WITH IT'S DIFFERENT RACES., The 'horfe, this domeftick animal, which is fo uieful to man, deferves with it's different races or fpecies our particular notice; as we have already given in the II. Vol. of our Gallery the picture of the wild horfe as well as of the horfe in general This and the fubfequent five tables reprefer. t to us the following celebrated races of horfcs : Frieslandifh, Hollfieinian, Danifh, Englifh, French, Neapolitan, Spanifli, Hungarian, Polnifli, Rufsian, Turkijli, Arabian and Barb., Fig. 1. The Frieslandish and Hollsteinian horse., The Frieslandifh horfe diftinguirhes it1'elf by the tallnefs and ftrcngth of it's body, by a heavy head, big neck, large back, and a broad cleft croup, with a low let tati. It's thighs are ftrong, roundifh, and thickfet with hairs. The horfes of Hollfiein commonly have ram's-!n ads; the forepart is well built, but tlie hi-.idpart generally too weak; the hoofs are too large and clumfy. Bo'.h kinds are more drawing-than riding horfes. The inoift climate nnd the grafs containing a «eat deal of watery particles, in which their food conQfts, are the caufes of their being fubject to many diftempers., Fig. 2. The Danish horse., The diftinctive character of it is a clumfy head, ftrong neck, broad cheft, long low loins, it's croup being in proportion with the cheli too I'm. ill. It is a firm durable race of horfes, which efpecially in modern time« by confiant endeavours of feveral fkilful men has been much improved. The juftly valued whiieborn horfes are of a Danilh origin, and almoft the only ones, that are bred in the royal ftuds. They greatly diftinguifh themfelves by the fineft white fhining hair. Around the eyes as well, as the mouth and the nofe they are fief h coloured and fprinkled with black little points. They have a thick barb; the hoofs are yellow. The head is pretty large, with a broad front, and Tome what curved. A pair of large darkbiown eyes with a flelhcoloured and blatkfpottcd edge likewife characterifes them. The forepart is very tall, the pofture and ftructure of the legs is regular and wellform'd. They are befides compact, and commonly have a well arched croup. A train of Tuch v.hiteborn horfes is perhaps the B* neft fhow of thiy kind.