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 Teutsche Erdsternpilze

Beschreibungstext eng

Plants. CVIII. Vol. VI. 37, GERMAN GEATRA OR STELLATE MUSHROOMS., gilrman geastra or stellate mushrooms. J liefe elegant German wood-inhabitants have indeed the fkinned globular hollow feed b'ox, and in it the Coloured pnwdery liule grains of feed, which cleave to the fubtle filaments, in common with 'he much frequenter and more known puff balls in ibeir maturity ; but diluug.iiih ihemfehes by a more regular and commonly more elegant uperiing (mouth) for the releaXe of the ripe little grains of feed, and by an exterior thick cover, that fplits into rays, forming .1 hell,ite b.ifis. Thefe mufhrooml grow under the earth, rifing at laft out of it, when they are unlolding thenifelves., Fig. 1 et 2. The crowned geastrum or stellate mushroom. (Geastrum coronatum.), The ftarlike cover has always more than five rays, which indeed fpread from one another, but do not bend backwards. Thi- inferior or exterior fur face ol il u darkbrnwn, and Jh,igreen-like granulated. The protuberance« are white. (Fig. 2.) The npinr or interior lurface is white, but foon becomes cbiiiky, the chinks appearing brown. I) 1 nil Ipi cies parti) grows in a loamy and clayifh, partly in «Candy ground., Fig. 3 et 4. The brown-red geastrum or stellate mushroom. (Geastrum rufescens.), The ftellate cover of this species ü brownied, fleck, and not only fpreads wide, but befides bends backwards, and raifes the glohulir leed box. Its upper furtace becomes likewife chinky (Fig. 4.) Thefe mufhroomi preferably grow in fir-and pine-groves., Fig. 5. The hygrometric geastrum or stellate mushroom. (Geastrum hygrometricum.), The colour of this mufhroom is rather yellow-brown. The ftellate cover beaming with many rays only difplays itself, without bending backwards, but has this remarkable property, that, as often as it dries up , it forcibly claps upwards together, and difplays itself agaio after a leeoni moiftening. From this différent appearance in a moift and dry eft ue, this species has got its fumarne. It likes preferably a fandy ground.