Der seeigel-förmige Meerstern
Beschreibungstext eng
Worms XIII. Vol. VI. No. 84., THE ECHINOID ASTERIAS., In Vol. III. No. 94- °f our Picture• Gallery we already became acquainted with the admirable Medusa's head sea star, belonging to the genus Asteria or star - fish. The annexed table exhibits an other extraordinary species of these animals, viz, the echinoid Asterias. It is a native of the Indian seas, which sometimes arrives at so considerable a size, as to measure more than twelve inches in diameter. From the body depressed and covered with a coriaceous crust arise twenty rays, that are spinous as well as the body. The mouth of this animal consists of the aperture, which we behold in the midst of the body. Most beautiful specimens of this curious animal were formerly: preserved in the Leverian Museum at London. —