Der Riesendamm in Irland
Beschreibungstext eng
Misc. Subj. CXXV. Vol. VI. No. 87., THE GIANTS-CAUSEWAY IN IRELAND., The isle of Staffa and Final's care in Scotland are not superior in beauty to the magnificent Giants- causeway, situated on the northwestern coast of Ulster, in the county of Antrim in Ireland. It is naturally formed of innumerable pillars of basaltes which arise perpendicularly, having been regarded in former times by superstitious people as a work of spirits and giants. Those pillars of basaltes (which are reckoned 30,000) form a kind of promontory gradually declining towards the sea aud terminating in a causeway, which by means of the pillars proportionately broken off forms an even way. This causeway has about 600 feet in length and 120 to 14.0 in breadth. The single pillars have 12 to 15 inches in diameter, being quadrangular, sexangukr and octangular, but for the most part sexangular, as the present table shews, on one side elevated and on the other fluted, whereby the single parts of the pillars join together like the vertèbres of the back-bone, thus supporting themselves in an upright direction.