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 Persische Merkwürdigkeiten

Beschreibungstext eng

Misc. Subj. CXXXVI. Vol. VII. No. 1., PERSIAN CURIOSITIES., Persia,. anciently celebrated among the Countries of Asia, still belonss, on severat flccounts, to the rernarkable' empires of that part o£ the world. The annexed print exhibits.: ;-:.' i, Fig. 1. View of the city of Shiras., Shiras, the capital city of the province of Farsistan, or 'of Persia properly thus called, is situated in an extensive and beäutifill valley; but novv-a-däjs its ancient spleridour is greatly göne to decay. It is surrounded with walls arid lias six gâtes ; the houses, cohstructed of bricks', hâve a bad appearance, but nevertheless Shiras lias a beautiful Basar or customhouse, as well as other public buildings. This city is likewise famous for its excellent wine, called \vine of Shiras, which is renown'd ail over Asia., Fig. 2. Tomb of the persian Poet Hafiz., Arts and sciences were flourishing ïn former centuries in the Éast as well as in Persia. Among the celebrated men of that country they also name the Poet Hafiz, who was born in Mosselly, near Shiras, and died there in 1340. We behold hère represented his tomb variously distingulshed. It is situated in the center of a large square burjing ground, resemblirtg a garden. At the entrance are two great lions, opposite, in a l'atticed enclpsure are the tombs of Hafiz, of two of his disciples, and of a Prince of the royal blood. Ail four are formed like coffîns of stone, on each side surrounded with sto» nés, six foot high, where upon are engraved several passages of the Alcoran. The persian Sovereign, Kerim - Khan, çaused this tomb to be embellished, an édifice with rriany rooms having been reared behind it. Close by there is the sepulchre of Saadi, an other celebrated persian Poet.