Die fädentragende Yukka
Beschreibungstext eng
Plants CXIX. Vol. VII. No. 2., THE FILAMENTOUS YUKKA. (Yucca filamentosa.), JL he Yucca is exclusively found in Ameri- clous Yucca, is originally of Virginia and ca, and comprehends many species, whicli, Carolina, where it is to be found on the as for the structure, accord together in so sandy shores of the rivers. It has but a much that the trunk, often arriving to the short trunk ; from the Ieaves grows up the height of ten in twelve feet, produces, on- " stalk, often five to six foot high, to which ly at the top, a tuft of long Ieaves, for stick the white flowers, inclining to yellow, the most part dented like a saw, from whose and formed like tulips. The Ieaves of this center shoots out a long and branched stalk, species hâve the singularity of being more forming tha most beautiful crown. For round, and of bearing, on their surface, that reason this fair american plant is also long and single filaments, which, before met with in several hot-hoùses. the Europeans imported their linen-cloth, \ were employed by the Americans in fabriThe species hère copied, or the fila- cating a stuff approaching the same quality.