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 Seltene Vögel : Der gefranzte Kakatu

Beschreibungstext eng

Birds. LXXVIII. Vol. VII. No. 13., RARE BIRDS., The fringe crested Cockatoo. (Psittacus fimbriatus.), ïemote climates offers us annually new spe{ «es, to which belongs also, this rare fringe Xa-our Picture-Gallery we frequently have crested Cackatoo, copied by the had occasion of observing the numerous Mr. Grant in his- voyage to New .Southgenus of the pariöts and of adrrnring a great Wales. Thé light gray plumage of the body many of tbem, which distinguish themselves is an excellent centrast to the deep-red head, ganicularly by the beautyful coiours of their whose inferior part is garnished as if with frinplumage. A more exact knowledge of the ges,whence the nameof this Caciatooproeeeds.