Seltene Insecten : Der grosse Wasser-Scorpion oder Wasser-Wanze aus Surinam
Beschreibungstext eng
Insects. LIV. Vol. VII. No. 15., RARE INSECTS., The great Water-Scorpion or aquatick bug of Surinam. (Nepa grandis. L.), Lhe genus of the water-scorpions, whose name merely dérives from the two fore • feet formed lilce cisars and adhèring to the head, is not at ail venomous and comprehends several indigenous and exotick species. Their four wings are placed in a state of repose. With the mouth, formed like a beak and placed below the head, they suck out the little insects dextrously caught by the fore-feet, which fold up like a pocket-knife. By the help of the other feet, which are instead of oar» to them, they swim with dexteiity on the ponds and marshy waters, where they dwell. In fair Summer-Evenings they likewise fly from one place to the other. Hère we see copied the great est specie« of the water-scorpions, which are met with in Surinam, (Fig. . H) flying, (Fig. . 2.) reposing. The body is two Inches and a half Long, pretty large and somewhat elevated above and below. The fangs provided before with crooks and the beaked teeth placed under the head, appear most disiinetly.