Fische von sonderbarer Gestalt
Beschreibungstext eng
Fish XXX. Vol. IV. No. 12., FOUR KINDS OF PARTICULAR FISH., Fig. 1. The poisoned Grooper. (Scorpaena Scrosa.), The poisoned Grooper inhabits the Mediterranean, the Atlantic, and the North-Sea, or German Ocean. It is a dangerous Enemy to all other fish, preying continnally upon them; he also pursues and endeavours to catch the swimming water birds. Its length is from 4 to 6 feet. The many jags and prominences on and around its head give it a singular appearance. It has two brown horny excrescences on the scull above its eyes and two crooked bone-spikes grow out of its upper jaw. Its large mouth is surrounded with a regular row of pointed teeth and the under jaw is full of beard fibres. The belly is reddish, the back is red brown with brown spots. The fins are grey blue, and their quills yellowih, likewise brown spotted. In some parts of Italy it is eaten, and in Norway they prepare train oil out of its liver. It is caught with dragnets and hooks., Fig. 2. The Sea-Fox. (Chimaera monstrosa.), The Sea-Fox lives in the North-Sea, chiefly on the coaft of Norway. Its tail, winch at the end is as thin as the tail of a rat, is longer than its whole body, and hence its German name Seekatze is deriv'd. Its Iength is from 3 to 4 feet. It lives generally upon the Medusa or Sea blubber, and lobsters, but it goes also after herrings. On account of the smallness of its mouth it cann't consume any larger sort of fish. The belly is of a silver colour, its back is yellowish with brown spots. The seagreen eyes shine like cat's eyes, whence it is sometimes call'd Sea-Cat, From the clump of fibres on its head the Norwegian peasants call it also the King of fish. Its flesh is hard and not well tasted. The oil which is boiled out of its liver, is us'd in Norway for sore eyes, and also as a vulnerary balsam., Fig. 3. The cuckold Fish. (Ostracion quadricornis.), It belongs to the species, which for its hard coat of mail is call'd bone fish, and is remarkable for its two pair of horns, one of which grows above its eyes, the other under its belly. Its ground colour is reddish brown, with reddish grey spots in the form of nets. It inhabits generally the Seas of the East-and West-Indies., Fig. 4. The antennated Grooper. (Scorpaena antennata.), The antennated Grooper is also as remarkable as the above mentioned kinds. Full of prominences and cavities it belongs, as No. 1. to the species of Groopers. Between its eyes which ly veiy nigh one another, arise two gristly horns, that were compared with the antennae and whence this fish has got its name., Ten Quills of the back fin are white with brown spots and stand forth like spikes. The colour of the body is of a high yellow with brown stripes. White Quills run from the violet colour'd breast fins to the tail. It inhabits the Amboina Island.