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 Schöngezeichnete Nattern

Beschreibungstext eng

Amphibies. XVIII. Vol. IV. No. 94., BEAUTIFUL SNAKES., Flg. 1. The Argus-Snake. (Coluber Argus.), J-his highly elegant species is a native of Africa; It grows only to a moderate size, but has stréBjgth and boldness enough to attack larger animals, and to cnish them to deat;h by tw-ifting around their bodies. The upper* furface of this Inake is of a dufky chefnutcolour and beautifully marked by numerous ocellated white and red spots. It is faid to build a nest of clay where it lives in fociety with others of its kind. 1, Fig. 2. The Crimson-Snake. (Coluber coccineus.), The Crimjon-Snake winch is an inhabitant of Mexico and Florida;-bears a still more elegant aspect than the former. It measures 2 feet in length and ab ont i