Beschreibungstext eng
Roses. VIII. Vol. IV. No. 100., TWO KINDS OF ROSES., Fig. 1. The flesh-coloured Centifolia. (Rosa regina rubicans.), JLhe flesh-coloured Centifolia is one of thé fineft species among the white rôles. For its cîofed globular form it is also called the pearlroje. It is of a moderate size and of a fweet pale flef'h-colour. Its fmell is agreeable. The feeble bufh never exceeds the heislit of three feet; the wood is green, and but little thorny, the foliage five-lobed. The leaves are almost round, on the Upper fide dark green, on the under one of a light green caft. It is never hurt by the cold and propagates by flips., Fig. 2. The large Moss-Rose. (Rosa muscosa major.), The native country of this handfome Pvofe is probably Perfia. The young fhoots and buds feem to be covered with a kind of reddish-green moss, which arifes from their being covered ail over with extraordinary long filaments. It very feldom grows to a bufh but the single stalks attain very osten the height of 6 feet. The flower is of a moderate size, füll, of a pale colour and agreeable fmell. Being of a very tenrler nature it faon withers and thrives beft in hot houses.