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 Mikroskopische Gegenstände

Beschreibungstext eng

Miscell. Subj. LXXIII. Vol. VI. No. 10., MICROSCOPIC SUBJECTS., VV e have already before in our Gallery is the difference of the Brabandifh lace, Vol. II. Nro. 98. confider'd and compared wrought by human hands! They are woven the works of nature withthofe of art under or fevved partly of filk, but eTpecially of the magnifying-glafs, obferving, how much flax. An only pound of raw flax in the the former excel in perfection. "Which we Netherlands is wrought up to 7000 florins fhall likewife perceive here, by comparing of points, and nothing more accqmplifhed the two most artful webs, the fpider's-net and regularly beautiful can be feen by meet and a little piece of Brabandifh lace by eyes. However under the magnifying glafs means of the microscope. The greateft re- it appears quite otherwife. The fine lace gularity reigns in the fingle divifions of presents itfelf here as an intangling of many the fpiders-net (Fig.. 1.) both the long and ropes (for fuch feem to be the fingle threads) the crofs - threads are of the fame bignefs being without any regularity tvvifted. and diftance. On the contrary how great