Die Art wie die Negern in Amerika die Abgottschlange abziehen
Beschreibungstext eng
Misc. Subj. LXXIV. Vol. VI. No. 12., THE MANNER, IN WHICH THE NEGROS IN AMERICA STRIP THE BUFFALO SNAKE (BOA CONSTRICTOR.), VV e know already by the III. Vol. No. 85. fhots. David faften'd the knot of a cord of our Gallery, that the Buffalo - Snake around the neck of the beaft, which he caus(Boa conftrictor) is a terrible creature, which ed to be drawn up by fome other Negros. attains to a length of 30 or 40 feet. This Then he himfelf climb'd up along the fnake, Serpent is aifo met with in America in Su- cut up the belly and ftripd of the fkin. The rinatn, where the Natives call it Aboma. copious fat, which is faid tobe whole-fome The Englifhoian Stcdman, who pafs'd feve- for bruifes, was carefully gather'd; the flefh ral years in the military Service of the was drefs'd and eat by the Negros with much Dutch in Surinam. kill'd with his Negro appetite. David, fuch a Serpent by leverai mufket