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 Teutsche Nachtfalter

Beschreibungstext eng

Insects. L. Vol. VI. No. 38., GERMAN NOCTURNAL BUTTERFLIES., Fig. 1. The glossy white butterfly. (Phalaena bombyx salicis.), T1 he caterpillar and nymph of this white nocturnal butterfly (a) is many years fo frequently met with upon willows and poplars, that whole plantations are laid wafte by them. fae hiver-bright nocturnal butterfly (d), at A*t timo flies about in great Twarms. The caterpillar fpins itself between the leaves of ^IWs (c) and transforms itself into a brown nymph (b.), Fig. 2. The great ermine butterfly. (Phalaena bomhyx vinula.), Dame °n -count of lhe foft The upperwings are diûinguifh'd by grey and reddilh undulating lines. The green caterpillar (A) is of a lingular Fig. ure; it feems to be cover'd with fcales of a coat of mail, and the hind end terminates in a forky tail. The caterpillar fpins itself into fplinters of wood (C) and metamorpbofes itself into a brown nymph (B.), Fig. 3. The little pigeon. (Sphinx stellatarum.), The little pigeon is a known butterfly of twilight, fluttering in the gardens towards evening with great fwiftnefs from flower to flower. ïïc exhibit it here drawn, like the other butterflies, in its natural fize. The green-yellow caterpillar is found on feveral plants.