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 Wohnungen der Beetschuaner

Beschreibungstext eng

Misc. Subj. CI. Vol. VI. No. 50., DWELLINGS OF THE BOOSHUANA'S., The Booshuana's, who inhabit the Interior Here lives the proper family. This inner of Soutb.-rn Africa, are of the fame race of apartment is enclofed by a gallery [upported people as the Hottentots, who, however, on trunks of the Mimol'a, whore the fervents differ fromibeminmanyrefpects. The Dutch, and flaves take their nightly reft. The poinbut ten ye.irs fince, gave us more exact ted tent- ihaped roof is thatched with reeds, accounts of ihem from the Cape of Good overshadowing likewise the outer gallery, Hope. They are a half civilized people that which gives to the whole a very beautiful applies himfeif to cattle-breeding, hunting appearance. The corn is contained in coand agriculture. Their villages confift of nical granaries, from fix to nine feet high, dwelling-houfes as we fee reprelented in the whereof we fee one reprefented in the anannexed view. Thefe cottages are built in the nexed engraving. The agriculture is perfollowing manner. The inner apartment is formed by the women, and the men emfurroundid with a wall of clay interwoven ploy their time in hunting and caule-breewith branches wherein there is a narrow door. ding. —