Der Triumphbogen des Kaisers Septimius Severus
Beschreibungstext eng
Miscell. Subj. Vol. VI. No. 52., THE TRIUMPHAL ARCH OF THE EMPEROR SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS., The adjoined table exhibits again one of those remarkable monuments, which gratitude, but not seldom also flattery of the ancient Ro7)ians, erected to their victorious Heroes, namely a triumphal Arch, dedicated to the Emperor Sepiimius Severus on account of his victories over the Parthians, Arabians and. other nations. It is pretty well preserv'd, and still to be seen at Rome behind the Capitolium, clean'd from the rubbish and surrounded with a rampart. (1) Fig.. I, represents the principal side with its four beautiful columns and three vaulted passages, which in the midst are join'd together by two bows. Over the principal bow appear two beautiful Fig. ures of the goddefs of Fame. Over the smaller side-bows are the actions of the triumphant Emperor represented, in bas-relief. In the Attica one reads both upon the fore-and backside the dedicatory inscription, in which the successor too of the said Emperor is mention'd. The ingraved letters were formerly inlay'd with gilt bronze, which afterwards has been purloin'd. The whole terminates with a Platform; one gets up to in the inside upon a 'pair of stairs, and where at that time the triumphal cart of the victor with soldiers at his side stood ingraved in stone. Fig.. II. exhibits one of the by-Sides of this triumphal arch, both of which, except the columns and the cornice, are void of all other ornaments. The whole stately building is constructed with white marble.