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 Das Kolosseum oder das Amphitheater des Kaisers Flavius Vespasianus

Beschreibungstext eng

Miscell. Subj. CVI. Vol. VI. No. 57., THE COLOSSEUM OR THE AMPHITHEATRE OF THE EMPEROR FLAVIUS -VESPASIANUS., To the most remarkable and magnificent the hest preserv'd sides, four storiei high, remains of ancient Roman Architecture be- each adorn'd with a colonnade. lonr0ç t o o t h e A m p h i t h e a t r e s p a ilt l y sJt il l e x - T, . I t i s, , a s t h, e p l a n„. F iTgTli, s h, o w s, a n O~ v a, l. tant. Among those, that at prre s e n t a r e t o T I.un t h e m-i i d s t« o■f• i t •i s t hue o p e n fri g1h t•i n g - p 1lace, be seen at Rome more or lefs mutilated, ', tvh e A. r e n a (, a x), w hue r e m e n m u s tI fri-g uh.t w -i.tuh the most beautiful and largest is that, of men or whh wUd beang for the aniusemerit which the table here adjoined exhibit, a and diversion of the many thousand gpec. representation. It was constructed by the tators> who found piace all - around in the Roman Emperor Flavius Vespasianus two massive building. Round about this Fig. htyears after the subversion of Jerusalem, and ingplace beiow runs a Gallery with steps has been preserv'd for the greatest part till ^ under which are tlle caveS(where the our times. For what now is deficient in it, wild beasU vvere kept> Four principal enhas not been mutilated and robb'd by time, u.;es (e) led int0 the building and to the but by men. Fig. hting-place; through four other ones (c) It is a prodigious building, of which one came to the upper stories and through we view under Fig.. I, on our Table one of as many to the inferior ones.