Die prächtige grossblumige Fackeldistel
Beschreibungstext eng
Plants CXI. Vol. VI. No. 58., THE. GREAT NIGHT-FLOWERING CEREUS. (Cactus grandiflorus.), The wide-around creeping members of the itself at last a superb flower, that at the «nd stock and branches of ibis plant remarkable ofJilny or at the beginning of July after sunon account of its noble flower reach a length setting but once fully opens aud before sunof three till six feet with a bignefs of two rising is again shut and withering. Our reinches at the most. They are cylindrical, presentation shows the Fig. ure and colour of yet become at each end somewhat thinner, this noble flower, exhaling sweet aromatick and commonly show six prominent ribs, ar- frag ran cy ; but in nature it sometimes promed with yellowish tufts of pricks. The in- ves to be still greater in vigorous plants, terior mafs is pulpous and juicy. From many The fruit-knot ripens within a year to a conof these tufts of pricks ifsue yearly in the siderable pear like juicy fruit of an agreeaspring on the sides of the branches single ble sourish flavour; it is all around beset with fruit-knots beset with scales and bushes of scaly little red bunches shifting into an oranhair. These improve at the upper part into ge-tawny colour. This plant is met with in a calix about six inches long outwards like- great hot-houses; but it is native in Southwise scaly and hair'd; and out of this forms America, Jamaica and St. Domingo.