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Das Crocodil von St. Domingo
Beschreibungstext eng
Amphibious animals. XXV. Vol. VI.No. 61., THE CROCODILE OF ST. DOMINGO., Among the animals discover'«! in modern diles, viz. the Caiman and the Crocodile of St. times is also to be reckon'd the Crocodile of Domingo. The last entirely differs from the St. Domingo, of which we first were nearer Caiman, with regard to the bignefs and by jnform'd by the french General Ledere, who other qualities, more resembling to the great sent a couple of them to France for the natu- Nile-Crocodile, so that at first it was thought ralists there. Hitherto they imagin'd, that to be one and the same species with this. America possess'd but one species of Cfoco- Yet more accurate researches have sufficientdile, the Caiman, which we see the draught ly evinced the difference, of in the IV. Vol. No. 14. of our gallery. However that, which was discover'd at St. Do- Fig.. II. represents the siculi of a Nilemingo, and here is represented, exhibits a Crocodile, with gaping jaws, where the lar5econd, new and quite different species, so ge murderous teeth of this terrible animal that we at present know two American Croco- are more distinctly to be seen.