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 Sonderbare Amphibie

Beschreibungstext eng

Amphib. XXVI. Vol. VI. No. 73., STRANGE AMPHIBIOUS CREATURES., The horned toad. (Rana cornuta.), l'I itherto we have had but very imperfect drawings, concerning this strange animal, which had been delineated after faded patterns preserved in spirits of wine. (Pictule Gallery. Vol, III. No. 39.) By means of'the last voyage of discovery, undertaken by the Russians, Mr. Tilesius, counsellor of the court and celebrated german naturalist, has supplied us with the first exact picture of the horned toad, drawn to the life in the annexed view. In little numbers it is met with in several parts of SouthAmerica as likewise in Brasil and in the isle of S. Catherine. Though, the rough body and large mouth, with which it catches insects, have an hideous appearance, yet the bright- sparkling colours of the skin display themselves very handsomely. The yellowish- brown body is adorned with sharppointed warts and white-edged Fig. ures of the colour of a violet. The fore- and hindpart of the head as also the hind-feet are adorned with plain spots of the most beautiful green. Above the eyes raise themselves the orange- coloured eye -lids, resembling a cone, which, slightly looked upon, have been compared to little horns; whence the name of this toad proceeds. Besides it is remarkable on account of its greatnefs, in Fig.. A. being represented shortened by half, and Fig.. B, exposing its head in lull length. According to the account of Mr. Tilesius the weight of the horned toad amounts to 4 pounds. By the Brasilians it is called Aran- Tango, or open tun.