Merkwürdige Versteinerungen : Versteinerte Seelilien oder Einkriniten der Vorwelt
Beschreibungstext eng
Misc. Subjects. CXXXII. Vol. VI. No. 94., REMARKABLE PETRIFICATIONS., Petrified Sea-Lilies or Encrinits of Antiquity. (Encrinites HeImintholithus. Encrinus L.), Encrinits or Sea-lilies are petrified kinds of plant-animals of former ages, looking in some manner like the sea-palm, still living in the profundities of the sea of the Antilles, and probably belonging to the same genus Encrinus. Fig.. i. exhibits a sea-lily, many-branched and closed, with the stalk of many articles, by way of which the living zoophyte kept close to the bottom of the sea. Fig.. 2. is an Encrinit of many arms, without a stalk, both of them being provided with round joints. Fig.. 3. shews the closed main-body, formed like a Fig., of an other kind of Encrinits, whose joints are pentagonal, as the basis exhibits, that stuck to the stalk. The other Fig. ures are partly single joints of sea-lilies, which are commonly called by several names, viz: St. Cuthbert's beads, trochytes, astroites etc., partly they-are pieces, formed like a pillar, of such stalks consisting of many articles that rise one above another (6. 7.) being usually called Entrochites, star stones. In many regions of Germany and of other foreign countries the petrified Encrinits are met with in several kinds of lime-stones.