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 Der Morai oder Begräbniss-Platz auf der Insel Nukahiwah im Süd-Meere

Beschreibungstext eng

Misc. Subj. CXXXIII. Vol. VI. No. 96., THE MORAI, OR BURYING-PLACE, OF THE ISLE NUKAHIWAH IN THE SOUTH-SEA., In the South-sea is to be found a group of isles, first discovered in 1595 and known under the name of isles of Marquesa or Mendoza. Amoügst the northern ones is also situated the isle of Nuhakiivak, with which we more nearly became acquainted by means of the last voyage round the world, undertaken by the Russians for discovery's sake, under the guidance of the Captain of Kmsenstcrn. The inhabitants of this island are well-shaped, healthy, and of a vigorous constitunon; their carnation resembles that of the Europeans. They adorn the whole body with pricked Fig. ures, which they rub into the flesh with a dark-blue earth, whence ihey never vanish. These islanders of the South - sea are not in the least of a sweet temper; on the contrary they are malicious and vindictive in such a manner that they devour their captivated enemies. Except a small scarf, they are stark-naked. Their habitations are only cottages composed of bamboo • reed. Alter many ceremonies theyr commit the dead to their burying - places, or Morais, whereof every family has a particular one. The Russians, who circumna« vigated the world, obtained the permission of visiting such a Moral, the image of which we view in the annexed table. This Moral was situated in a romantic region, on a hill; in a coffin was exposed a corpse. Outwardly stood some deformed idols carved in wood; close to these they beheld pillars, consisting of cocoa-leavet, and environed by stuffs of white cotton. The whole referred to religious customs.