Semantisches Browsen
Miscell. Subj. XCII. Vol. VI No. 34. +, SUBTERRANEAN CURIOSITIES IN EGYPT. +, Fig. 1. Catacombs in Alexandria. +, Tin the rock » b«t piaifter'd with mortac. The dead bodies repol'e in longifli excavaihe ancient Egyptians, «hole architectu- tions, which are carved in rows, re is known to be in many refpects lingular and remarkable, went To far, as to bu- +, Fig. 2. Subterranean chamber near the Pyramids of Ghizé. + und ild to their dead peculiar fnhtenar.ean ■. … ild to their dead peculiar fnhtenar.ean ■. apartments, where they were preferv'd, and which they call'd Catacombs. Thefe Cata- The fubterranean graves hewn in the combs confifts of leverai chambers , hewn rock were often adorn'd with various hieroout in the rock , being contiguous to the glyphic Fig. ures , as we fee here reprefentgraves. Thofe of Alexandria we lind here ed. But in the Catacombs they not only reprefenied. The entry confifts of a narrow preferv'd the embalmed bodies or mummies hole, through which one gets with difficul- of men, but alfo thofe of hallow'd beafts, ty, and proceeds to feveral moulder'd rooms, efpecially of the Ibis , a bird , which in One round chamber with a vaulted roof is Egypt w-as preferably worfhiped. The boadorn'd by pillars , and a fiuuion is to be dies of thefe birds were embalm'd and prefeen at one paffage. All this work is hewn ferved in longifh work is hewn ferved in longifh velfels. +
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