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Insects. XXVII. Vol. IV. No. 64.  +, INSECTS OF CHINA.  +, Almost all the natural products of China, Almost all the natural products of China, as flowers, birds, fish, insects have generally very bright and lively colours, as we have i'een in many o£ the foregoing pictures. The différent species of insects represented in the present picture give us another proof of it.esent picture give us another proof of it.  +, Fig. 1. The Spotted Locust. (Grillus morbillosus.)  +, This locust is ahout 2l inches long and oiThis locust is ahout 2l inches long and oi very gay colours. Its-breaft is red; the wing-cafés are of a dark-green blue, and the underwings of a beautiful red, adorned with black spots. The body is black crofl'ed by red and yellow stripes. The legs are yellovv. It is represented flying.egs are yellovv. It is represented flying.  +, Fig. 2. The Striped Buprestis. (Buprestis vittata.)  +, The Buprestis (the burn cow or burst cow)  +, has certainly amoug the insects the most beautiful colours as may appear from the present figure. It is variegated with yellow, blue, and orange-Stripes and the colours are extremely lively and glittering.  +, Fig. 3. The ocellated Buprestis. (Buprestis occellata.)  +, This kind exceeds the former in beauty, for its wing being cafés ornamented with blue, yellow and red eyes and shields. The Chinel'e ufe the wing-cafés of this as well as of the former kind for embroideries and other ornaments of dress and fumiture.  +, Fig. 4. The China-beetle. (Scarabaeus Chinensis.)  +, The China beetle resembles entirely the European except its glittering emerald-colour. Its legs are yellow.  +, Fig. 5. The Spotted Spider. (Aranea maculata.)  +, This spider is by far not so hideous as ouThis spider is by far not so hideous as our common spider. It has a fil very grey breast under which its head (Fig. a.) is generally hidden. The body is oval and flender and its colour a beautiful yellow and red. Its extended legs are very osten 3 or 4 feet Iong.nded legs are very osten 3 or 4 feet Iong.  +, Fig. 6. The China Peranthus. (Papilio Eques Peranthus.)  +  und This beautiful butterfly belongs to the Day-butterflies or papillons of China and on acebunt of its pointée! underwings to the equestrian kind (Equités). It is even in China scarce and hence a true ornament of the collections of insects.  +
eng  +
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