Semantisches Browsen
Insects. XXVII. Vol. IV. No. 64. +, INSECTS OF CHINA. +, Almost all the natural products of China, … Almost all the natural products of China, as flowers, birds, fish, insects have generally very bright and lively colours, as we have i'een in many o£ the foregoing pictures. The différent species of insects represented in the present picture give us another proof of it.esent picture give us another proof of it. +, Fig. 1. The Spotted Locust. (Grillus morbillosus.) +, This locust is ahout 2l inches long and oi … This locust is ahout 2l inches long and oi very gay colours. Its-breaft is red; the wing-cafés are of a dark-green blue, and the underwings of a beautiful red, adorned with black spots. The body is black crofl'ed by red and yellow stripes. The legs are yellovv. It is represented flying.egs are yellovv. It is represented flying. +, Fig. 2. The Striped Buprestis. (Buprestis vittata.) +, The Buprestis (the burn cow or burst cow) +, has certainly amoug the insects the most beautiful colours as may appear from the present figure. It is variegated with yellow, blue, and orange-Stripes and the colours are extremely lively and glittering. +, Fig. 3. The ocellated Buprestis. (Buprestis occellata.) +, This kind exceeds the former in beauty, for its wing being cafés ornamented with blue, yellow and red eyes and shields. The Chinel'e ufe the wing-cafés of this as well as of the former kind for embroideries and other ornaments of dress and fumiture. +, Fig. 4. The China-beetle. (Scarabaeus Chinensis.) +, The China beetle resembles entirely the European except its glittering emerald-colour. Its legs are yellow. +, Fig. 5. The Spotted Spider. (Aranea maculata.) +, This spider is by far not so hideous as ou … This spider is by far not so hideous as our common spider. It has a fil very grey breast under which its head (Fig. a.) is generally hidden. The body is oval and flender and its colour a beautiful yellow and red. Its extended legs are very osten 3 or 4 feet Iong.nded legs are very osten 3 or 4 feet Iong. +, Fig. 6. The China Peranthus. (Papilio Eques Peranthus.) + und This beautiful butterfly belongs to the Day-butterflies or papillons of China and on acebunt of its pointée! underwings to the equestrian kind (Equités). It is even in China scarce and hence a true ornament of the collections of insects. +
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