Semantisches Browsen
Worms. XVI. , Vol. VII. No. 12. +, THE SERTULARIA FORMED LIRE A FIR. (Sertularia abietina.) + und This charming Sertularia is to be found in … This charming Sertularia is to be found in sea-fir. The subtil branches are adorned on the Mediterranean and in the North-Sea, ad- both sides with little cônes or jaggs, as a hèrïng to oisters or to sea-shells, as we see magnified pièce of it (Fig. . II.) more dishere one of them represented. Its Fig. ure re- tinctly shevys. This Sertularia is of a grej semblés much the fir-nuts, wherefore it is horn-colour, and generally arrives at the also called Sertularia shaped lihe a fir or height of 5 inches.a shaped lihe a fir or height of 5 inches. +
Zuletzt geändert„Zuletzt geändert <span style="font-size:small;">(Modification date)</span>“ ist ein softwareseitig fest definiertes Attribut, das das Datum der letzten Änderung einer Seite speichert. Es wird von <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a> zur Verfügung gestellt.
8. Dezember 2017, 16:35:33 +
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