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Hier sind 7 Ergebnisse, beginnend mit Nummer 1.

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Liste der Ergebnisse

  • 1 he Ice-hills (t'all'd Gletfcher) in Switzer- takes its rife out of the three principal branlancl are prodigious maffes of ice on the dies, the fore - middle- and hind -Rhine)  +
  • Fig. 1. The Rhinewaldgletscher or the first spring of the Rhine.  +
  • Fig. 2. The Ice-hill of the Rhone.  +
  • Miscell. Subj. LXIX. Vol. VI. No. 3.  +
  • hick origin derives the Rhone, that rifes hick origin derives the Rhone, that rifes out or the firft ferine of the Rhine. of the ice - hin of the Rhone or the Furca' 1 ° one of the moli beautiful ice - hills in the - In the "back - ground of the Rhincwald- whole chain of Alps. It lies on the fide of thai, furrounded on all fides with lofty the Furca, a lofty mountain, that is the mountains, in the helvetick Canton of Gn- South-"VYeft horn of the St. Gotthard, at the Jons lies the great PJiineuuddgletJchcr, a confines of Wallis, Bern and Uri, and of prodigious mafs of ice in a gloomy, folitary the full higher Galenfiok till down in the place. From an ice-vault, which fometi- valley of G cran, and is the iffue of an icemes is very great and brilliant (we fee it here valley of 6 hours length. Three fmall brooks copied from nature) the hindmoft Rhine (for iffue out of this ice- hill, and form the the whole Rhine, the nobleft river in Europe, fprings of the Rhone.eft river in Europe, fprings of the Rhone.  +
  • ruAlps, being inexhauftible refervoirs forruAlps, being inexhauftible refervoirs for fup- fhes forthas a brook of the ice-hill, with which plying the flowing waters, which from them the 13 lel'fer brooks unite themTelves, turntake their origin. Two of them, reprefen- Min g down from the Shell-horn (Mitjchelhorn) ted here, deferve, a particular noticefor giv- a rock of two hours length, ing the exiftence to two of the largeft rivers of Europe.ce to two of the largeft rivers of Europe.  +