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Attributwerte einer Seite

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Hier sind 6 Ergebnisse, beginnend mit Nummer 1.

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Liste der Ergebnisse

  • 1 he Spunge, this. yellowifh- brown loofe.1 he Spunge, this. yellowifh- brown loofe. body, we make ufe of, to clean and wafh us, chiefly gruws on the rocky ground of leverai islanJrof the Mediterraneaa Sea, where it is by the divers torn off and gather'd. That it very eafily fokes up the water, every body knows. Bat in what manner this happens, we perceive here, by looking on this little piece of fpunge, magnify'd by the microrcope. The truth is, the whole fpunge confifts of a texture of many nice, flexible hair-channels, which quickly foke in the water and fwell the fpunge. On account •f the foftnefs and flexibility of the little channels the fpunge may be as eafily fqueezed out, lìnee by the fqueeze of the hand the water is again pump'd out, as out of a jack. ■r is again pump'd out, as out of a jack. ■  +
  • Fig. 1. The Spunge.  +
  • Fig. 2. The changing taffeta.  +
  • Miscell. Subj. LXXI. Vol. VI. No. 5.  +
  • The varying play of colours, we obferve inThe varying play of colours, we obferve in the changing taffeta, (as in the V. Vol. Nro. 40. in the Iris papillon) only derives from the many-coloured threads, as the magnifying (b) clearly proves. The warp namely confifts in this cafe of yellow threads, but the woof of purple ones. According as you turn the taffeta, the yellow or the purple colour prevails, or a fine mixture of both colours arifes. or a fine mixture of both colours arifes.  +