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Hier sind 6 Ergebnisse, beginnend mit Nummer 1.

Zeige (vorherige 20 | nächste 20) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)


Liste der Ergebnisse

  • As we commonly behold in the cabinets  +
  • Fig. 1. The thorny or echinated cockle (Cardium echinatum.)  +
  • Fig. 2. The wonderful Sea-feather. (Pennatula mirabilis.)  +
  • Worms XI. Vol. VI. No. 7.  +
  • of natural products the beautiful variegatof natural products the beautiful variegated cockle-fhells but vacant, we might eafily imagine, that they are inhabited by no living creature. But of the contrary convin- This Sea-feather is a coral-like cafe ces us this representalion A, B and C of delicately form'd, being inhabited by a potile thorny cockle, an inhabitant of the lypus-like worm, and provided with lateral Nord-Sea. At A we perceive the creature branches nicely feathered, like the wings in the fhell, being fomewhat open'd on the of a plume. Thefe creatures attain to a fharp border, and at B from the fide, where length of 6 or 8 inches, being met with one obferves the fithe-like and orange-co- in the European and American Seas, where loured foot of the animal, which aids it in they are fwimming at large.ich aids it in they are fwimming at large.  +