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Hier sind 11 Ergebnisse, beginnend mit Nummer 1.

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Liste der Ergebnisse

  • (iian women dan^ on the rope, rêverai times paCKog by each ether. One plays a Bring infiniment, the other holds in her hands two cups quite fulfilled with water.  +
  • A Hindoo caufes here a tamed SpectacleSnake, of which he has broke out the venomous teeth, to move itfelf up and down after his inftrument, compofed of a hollow gourd with a piece of Bamboos - reed. An evidence of the great effect of mufick upon beafts Ì  +
  • An Indian juggler lies here firetched oft the ground. He places at firft a wood to the  +
  • Fig. 1. Indian Jugglers in the Fort George.  +
  • Fig. 2. A tamer of snakes.  +
  • Fig. 3. A Juggling with de bull.  +
  • Fig. ure of a cup upon his body, on which Fig. ure of a cup upon his body, on which his drels'd bull by and by gets up with all four feet. The juggler holds ont a fécond wood, which the bull cliinhs alfo :. whilft th" Hindoo pufhes it on the So he does with the third wood. At laft the bull remains ballancing on high. laft the bull remains ballancing on high.  +
  • Misc. Subj. LXXX.  +
  • On the parade of the Fort George at MadrasOn the parade of the Fort George at Madras feveral Indian jugglers are plaving before the Engliihtnen their tricks. On the left a female juggler is climb'd up an unfaften'd pole of Bamboos, 30 feet high, balancing there upon and moving berfelf along with it according to the mufick. The five other jugglers accomplifh many tricks. On the right, wo laccomplifh many tricks. On the right, wo la  +
  • The Hindoos have very much agility and dexteritv in all motions of the body, and diftinguifh themfeh es as rope-dancers by a great many particular tricks. The present plate offers feveral proofs of it.  +