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Hier sind 5 Ergebnisse, beginnend mit Nummer 1.

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Liste der Ergebnisse

  • 1rs of its inhabitants, has much refenibla1rs of its inhabitants, has much refeniblance The Cochinchinefe are harm eie fs good o the neighbouring China. natured people, which if in forno degree comparatif to the Chinefe are rather uniformer in The Cochinchinefe do worship the God there habitudes and drelTes. The women drels Budha or Fo, bceing idolaters. They generally in cotton frocks, were under thefe ride offer to tbe images of thefe protecting deitys drawers, and on holy days they fnpply leverai the BrfMings of their living flocks and of the frocks to the one they generally were. The fruits of the earth. Fig.. I. represents fuch men put on large jackets and trowiers, have an offering brought to Fo. Upon a Banyan there feet uncover'd, and fome tie handkertree (ficus indica) in a large cage of latticed cheefs around their head, in the fhape of a work, is sitted the gore-belly'd, blubcheeked turban; other have hat* or cap* of various wooden idol. Cochinchinefe peafants are ap- forms. The foldiers represented at the right pearmg, having put a ladder of bamboo to hand in the picture annexed are armed the-tree and are worfhipping rice to the idol, with fhields and fwords.rice to the idol, with fhields and fwords.  +
  • Fig. 2. A Group of Cochinchinese.  +
  • Miscell. Subj. XC. Vol. VI. No. 30.  +
  • oehinchina, discovered by tbe Portvguefe Aoehinchina, discovered by tbe Portvguefe A prieft in a long yellowifh coloured rube, in tbe fi\tt ent lentnry, is counted lo be one performs his duty, in pronouncing prayers, of tbe molt ìeinarkableft countrys of eaftern Afia, which in re atd to the cuftomsand diref-, which in re atd to the cuftomsand diref-  +