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Hier sind 5 Ergebnisse, beginnend mit Nummer 1.

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Liste der Ergebnisse

  • Fig. 1. The fasciated Kanguroo. (Kangurus fasciatus. PERON.)  +
  • Quadrupeds LXXV. Vol. VI. No. 31.  +
  • The Wombat, which is of the same fize as aThe Wombat, which is of the same fize as a badger, belongs likewife to the didelphs, as we here fee, where the young ones ifsue out of the pouch of the mother. This animal, which in the exterior form bears much refemblance to a young bear, feeds upon grafs, fcrapes itfelf into the earth with the ftrong claws of the fore-feet, where it lives by day, and by night only it goes abroad in queft of its maintenance. This animal was alfo firft difcover'd in modern times, upon van Diemens-land, that great Island, bordering upon the Southern point of upon the Southern point of New-Holland.  +
  • he Kanguroos, as we know, are a remarJ Kable fpeFig. 2. The Wombat. (Didelphis Wombat. SHAW.)  +